Exploratorium Microscope Imaging Stations
Redesign Enables New Awards and Sponsorship

Funding: $300K NSF award | $994K NIH Awards 
Corporate Sponsor: Genentech
User Research: formative

I discuss project/process in this AAM article:
Transporting Interactive New Media Exhibits Through Time 

Visitors explore charismatic life at the microscopic level (beating human heart cells, dynamic Zebrafish embryos) by controlling control high-end microscopes. Interactive media coaches them through identification, specimen positioning, focus, magnification and lighting filter selection. We integrated the open source µManager platform (research lab standard) making it possible to connect in classrooms via mobile apps, etc. These capabilities helped the museum later receive new NSF and NIH awards, and a $1.6M Genentech sponsorship.

Photo by Amy Snyder, Exploratorium